阿里山石棹茗茶 珠露為阿里山石棹 產銷班之註冊商標 手工嫩採 一心三葉 茶農自產自銷~安心有保障 歡迎參觀茶廠、現場試喝選購 茶園位於阿里山山脈海拔高度約1300~1500公尺的高山上,茶樹因終年雲霧環繞、雲霧籠罩導致早晚溫差甚大,水氣飽滿、氣溫低冷、珠露滋潤,因此茶香味獨到特殊,香氣四溢入口甘香。
Alishan Shizhuo Tea
Zhulù (Pearl Dew) is a registered trademark of the Alishan Shizhuo Production and Marketing Cooperative. This tea is hand-picked with care, selecting only the tender "one bud and three leaves" from the tea plants. Our tea farmers grow, process, and sell the tea themselves, ensuring peace of mind with quality assurance. Visitors are welcome to tour our tea factory, sample freshly brewed tea, and purchase it on site.
The tea garden is situated at an altitude of approximately 1300 to 1500 meters in the Alishan Mountain Range. The tea plants are surrounded by mist and clouds year-round, which, along with the large temperature difference between day and night, creates an ideal growing environment. The high humidity, cool temperatures, and pearl dew that nourishes the leaves result in a tea with a unique and distinctive fragrance. The aroma is rich, and the tea leaves a lingering sweet aftertaste.